How to Keep Your Kids off Wi-Fi and Take Control of Your Internet

How to Keep Your Kids off Wi-Fi and Take Control of Your Internet

How to Keep Your Kids off Wi-Fi and Take Control of Your Internet

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As our kids become more and more engrossed in the digital world, worries about improper content exposure, cyberbullying, and online threats have intensified. Only 23% of parents, nonetheless, proactively keep an eye on their kids’ internet use. This may be addressed by following this brief advice, which explains how to take charge of your home internet and give your children a safer online experience.

Router for Parental Control

Put web filters on every device: Invest in a parental control router to act as your house internet’s choke point and impose online filters on all of your children’s gadgets.

Control via your router: To reduce tampering, deactivate wireless remote administration, put the router away from children, and enable site prohibitions.

Plan Outtime for Internet Blackouts:

Encourage balance by establishing clear guidelines and planning regular internet blackout times to promote family time and offline activities.

Personalise downtime: Choose the best times to limit internet usage to improve family time and sleeping patterns.

Ban Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks:

Perform a Wi-Fi search to find and ban networks that might be dangerous for your kids.

Engage in conversation with your neighbours: Bring up the significance of internet safety and ask them to protect their Wi-Fi networks.

Parental Controls for Mobile Devices:

Aura is a family safety software that lets you set time restrictions, monitor and block particular websites and applications, and get notifications concerning cyberbullying.

iOS devices: To manage access and schedule downtime, use Apple’s Screen Time settings.

Android devices: Use Google Family Link to monitor and manage use online.

Game Console Parental Controls:

Set deadlines: Establish time limits for gaming under the American Academy of Paediatrics’ recommendations.

Make use of safe gaming resources: Turn on parental controls on game consoles to keep an eye out for offensive and cyberbullying content.

Don't Leave Devices in Common Areas:

Establish ground rules for the home: No electronics in the bedrooms during certain hours, unless used for homework.

Shared workspace: To provide a regulated atmosphere, set up a shared study room for family activities and gadget charging.

Promote Social Media Conduct That Is Responsible:

Determine maturity: Before giving your child access to social media, determine whether they are ready.

Privacy awareness: To reduce hazards, teach kids how to share personal information online responsibly.

To combat cyberbullying: teach kids the consequences of their actions online, encourage compassion, and provide them with the resources they need to file reports.

While parental controls are useful tools, developing an open line of communication with your children on safe internet usage is just as important if you want to earn their trust. Parents may actively participate in creating a safe and responsible internet environment for their children by putting these strategies into practice.