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Mayhem has come down to the entire world. And, every nation is currently fighting off the same enemy, COVID-19. It was only yesterday that the total cases in India surpassed 600. The rise of panic is everywhere but it is a blessing than many patients are recovering from near death. The world has come together to find a cure for this infectious virus at the earliest. In the meantime, as a responsible citizen, we can only take precautions and stay home. But, it is also important to keep track of the number of cases globally. So, we have a right to know updated facts about this virus, for example, where it is spreading more, and the number of reported active cases. To help stay more informed about the statistics, IBM and The Weather Channel has launched new tools.

The New Tool and its use

It has become impossible for us to take a step out of your house. The Internet feels like a blessing in these days of quarantine mostly to keep ourselves updated. Given that we all use a smartphone, IBM has launched new tools that will help us keep a record of reported COVID-19 cases in our area. The mobile application is free and anyone from anywhere can access it.

The users can see the information from The Weather Channel app (an IBM business). The company has designed this new tool in a way that will help the users get all the information from trusted sources. The application also has a dashboard where the statistics will be displayed. Previously, many sites provided with updated information about COVID-19 like active cases, death cases, and total cases. But, it is easier to gain this information from a mobile app.

Features of the App                                            

The data we received so far was from the World Health Organization (WHO), Johns Hopkins University, and other official sources. This Weather Channel app will merge all these information. And, apart from these reports, it will show reported cases at both state and national levels. Combining all these data, the app will show it on an “incident map”.

In this incident map, reported cases will be color-coded to show different areas, states and at the national level as well. Not only the maps will be generated but also graphs will be provided the state-wise reported cases. This app will also provide the percentage increase of COVID-19 cases weekly.

Trend visualization and interactive mapping are the two best features of this app. The app will also provide news and videos related to this pandemic. This will be thoroughly looked into by The Weather Channel Editorial team. As one should be reported about the cases, the citizens of the U.S. will also be able to locate the nearest healthcare clinics and testing centers. IBM is trying its best to include as much informative and important data as possible.

Reaching out to more people

IBM has also announced that this same data will be used by officials, researchers, data scientists, media, and medical professionals. So, the citizens should not worry about the clarity and preciseness of the data. It is their responsibility to let people aware of the right details. The app will also provide fact-checking resources and a proper guideline in this period of crisis. It will consist of detailed guidelines about the preventive measures that should be taken by normal people. And, it is also for the people who have tested positive for COVID-19. Though the patients will be immediately taken under medical supervision, prevention is better than cure.

Spreading the right message

This new tool will help the U.S citizens both prevent and remain informed about COVID-19. The app will not only show statistics of the U.S but also the cases of global COVID-19. There are around 45 million active users of The Weather Channel App. So, people can ignore the use but they will surely stay tuned with an application, a very common feature of a smartphone. The company also said that apart from all the information it provides, the message of social distancing is the top priority. Because that is the most important and the only way to prevent COVID-19.

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