Elon Musk Plan to Charge New X Users to Tweet

Plans to charge new X users $1 to tweet as part of a strategy to increase revenue and improve content quality.

Since acquiring X, Musk has implemented changes to monetize the platform, including a fee for new users to reduce spam and bots

Musk argues that a small fee will decrease malicious activity and promote more meaningful engagement on the platform.

The fee applies only to accounts created after the policy's introduction. Existing users remain unaffected.

The fee is a one-time payment to enable tweeting, available globally.

The new fee has received mixed responses, with some praising the initiative to clean up the platform and others criticizing it for potentially restricting free speech and excluding economically disadvantaged users.

Financial analysts view the fee as a risky move that could affect X's revenue and user growth.

The tech community and X's user base are keen to see how the new policy will influence the platform's environment and growth.

Elon Musk's leadership continues to introduce unpredictability and innovation, shaping X as one of the most dynamic and scrutinized companies globally.

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